
Pronunciation DOWN-mon
Level Baby I [Baby, Fresh]
Type Slime
Field N/A
Attribute None
Name Origin English. Down feathers are the soft feathers that keep a bird warm.

-Shell Retreat: Downmon pulls into its shell and rolls at its enemy.


Pronunciation MIHZ-mon
Level Baby II [In-Training]
Type Lesser
Field Wind Guardians
Attribute Data
Name Origin English. 'Mist'.

-Feather Shot: Mismon tumbles forward and shoots the feather on its head at enemies.

See [main page]


Pronunciation kai-ZOH-kuu-mon
Level Adult [Champion]
Type Bird Man
Field Wind Guardians
Attribute Data
Name Origin Japanese. 'Kaizouki' is Japanese for 'pirate'.

-Flintlock Shock: Kaizokumon fires a glowing bullet from his flintlock pistol; multiple shots in quick succession are possible.
-Kaizoku Kick: Kaizokumon delivers a kick to an enemy, usually in the form of a roundhouse, but potentially a dive-kick.




Pronunciation ohz-PRII-mon
Level Perfect [Ultimate]
Type Giant Bird
Field Wind Guardians
Attribute Data
Name Origin English. An osprey is a large bird of prey that lives near water, also known as a sea hawk or a fish eagle.

-Seagull Dive: Ospreymon flies high, and then swoops down in an arc-shaped dive to smash into enemies, then swoops right back up. May or may not bring his enemy with him into the air.
-Gale Storm: Ospreymon flaps his wings to stir up a whirlwind, kicking up debris from the ground. He then sprays an amount of snow and ice into it, and releases it at an enemy.
-Razor Tornado: Ospreymon flies rapidly in a circle, before suddenly stopping; this throws out a flurry of glowing, razor-sharp feathers at a target. As well, it seems to create shards of ice that stab in addition to the feather's cutting.
-Biting Winter: Ospreymon strikes out with either of his feet, claws glowing blue; the limb or body part the attack strikes begins to freeze.


Pronunciation ROHK-mon
Level Mega
Type Giant Bird
Field Wind Guardians
Attribute Data
Name Origin From 'Roc', derived from Arabic and Persian 'rokh', an incredibly huge mythical bird, particularly known for their appearance in the tales of Sinbad the Sailor.

-Glacial Crush: Rocmon summons a mass of ice that flows like a tidal wave in order to crush foes.
-Roc Claw: Rocmon slashes at enemies with his feet with enough force to cleave them in two.
-Rolling Fog: Rocmon creates a heavy, blinding, freezing fog, confusing and freezing enemies, and allowing allies to escape.
-Heaven Strike: Rocmon lifts an enemy into the air, crushing it with his claws and attacking with his beak before dropping it to earth.
-Bitter Hailstorm: Rocmon spreads his wings and releases a rain of blade-like ice at his target, enough to cover an entire battlefield.